Email Client Feature Support Rankings

Email Client Feature Support Rankings

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Can I Email? breaks down email features by the clients that support them. These features come with intrinsic value, which can be broken up into three buckets. Accessibility, performance, and internationalization (i18n).

This page lists the number of features supported in each category by each email client.

Email client ranks by category

The below outlines the three categories of accessibility, performance, and internationalization with the respective email clients that support them.

Accessibility (15 tested features)

These features are key to enabling assistive technology such as screen readers to be able to ingest email content. Email clients that support a majority of these features give email creators all opportunities to create accessible emails for their subscribers.

Tested features

Number of features Email Clients
  • SFR (Desktop webmail)
  • Samsung Email (Android)
  • Apple Mail (MacOS)
  • Apple Mail (iOS)
  • (Desktop webmail)
  • GMX (iOS)
  • WEB.DE (iOS)
  • Outlook (Android)
  • ProtonMail (Android)
  • 1&1 (Desktop webmail)
  • Outlook (MacOS)
  • Outlook (iOS)
  • SFR (iOS)
  • SFR (Android)
  • Fastmail (Desktop webmail)
  • Outlook (
  • Mozilla Thunderbird (MacOS)
  • ProtonMail (Desktop webmail)
  • ProtonMail (iOS)
  • Gmail (Desktop webmail)
  • Orange (Android)
  • (Desktop webmail)
  • Gmail (iOS)
  • Gmail (Android)
  • Gmail (Mobile webmail)
  • Orange (Desktop webmail)
  • Outlook (Windows)
  • AOL (Android)
  • Orange (iOS)
  • HEY (Desktop webmail)
  • GMX (Android)
  • WEB.DE (Android)
  • 1&1 (Android)
  • Yahoo! Mail (Desktop webmail)
  • Yahoo! Mail (iOS)
  • Yahoo! Mail (Android)
  • AOL (Desktop webmail)
  • GMX (Desktop webmail)
  • WEB.DE (Desktop webmail)
  • Outlook (Windows mail)
  • AOL (iOS)
  • (Desktop webmail)
  • Mozilla Thunderbird (Windows)
  • (Desktop webmail)

Performance (5 tested features)

These features are key to the success of email rendering and loading.

Tested features

Number of features Email Clients
  • Apple Mail (MacOS)
  • Apple Mail (iOS)
  • Samsung Email (Android)
  • SFR (Desktop webmail)
  • (Desktop webmail)
  • Mozilla Thunderbird (MacOS)
  • SFR (Android)
  • GMX (iOS)
  • WEB.DE (iOS)
  • Outlook (MacOS)
  • Outlook (
  • Outlook (iOS)
  • Outlook (Android)
  • SFR (iOS)
  • Orange (Desktop webmail)
  • Orange (Android)
  • HEY (Desktop webmail)
  • Yahoo! Mail (Desktop webmail)
  • Yahoo! Mail (iOS)
  • Yahoo! Mail (Android)
  • AOL (Desktop webmail)
  • AOL (iOS)
  • AOL (Android)
  • Orange (iOS)
  • ProtonMail (Desktop webmail)
  • ProtonMail (iOS)
  • ProtonMail (Android)
  • GMX (Android)
  • WEB.DE (Android)
  • 1&1 (Desktop webmail)
  • 1&1 (Android)
  • Outlook (Windows mail)
  • Mozilla Thunderbird (Windows)
  • (Desktop webmail)
  • Fastmail (Desktop webmail)
  • GMX (Desktop webmail)
  • WEB.DE (Desktop webmail)
  • Gmail (Desktop webmail)
  • Gmail (iOS)
  • Gmail (Android)
  • Gmail (Mobile webmail)
  • Outlook (Windows)
  • (Desktop webmail)
  • (Desktop webmail)

Internationalization (26 tested features)

Certain aspects of HTML and CSS are limited in their ability to translate across many languages. This category of features outlines those that are beneficial to internationalization (I18n) which would allow for developers the freedom to create semantic HTML in languages aside from English.

Tested features

Number of features Email Clients
  • Apple Mail (MacOS)
  • GMX (iOS)
  • WEB.DE (iOS)
  • (Desktop webmail)
  • Samsung Email (Android)
  • Apple Mail (iOS)
  • GMX (Android)
  • WEB.DE (Android)
  • 1&1 (Desktop webmail)
  • 1&1 (Android)
  • SFR (Desktop webmail)
  • Mozilla Thunderbird (MacOS)
  • SFR (iOS)
  • SFR (Android)
  • ProtonMail (Desktop webmail)
  • ProtonMail (iOS)
  • (Desktop webmail)
  • Outlook (MacOS)
  • Outlook (
  • Outlook (iOS)
  • Outlook (Android)
  • Fastmail (Desktop webmail)
  • ProtonMail (Android)
  • Gmail (Desktop webmail)
  • AOL (iOS)
  • Yahoo! Mail (Desktop webmail)
  • Yahoo! Mail (iOS)
  • AOL (Desktop webmail)
  • AOL (Android)
  • HEY (Desktop webmail)
  • Gmail (iOS)
  • Gmail (Android)
  • Yahoo! Mail (Android)
  • Gmail (Mobile webmail)
  • Orange (iOS)
  • Outlook (Windows)
  • Outlook (Windows mail)
  • Orange (Android)
  • Orange (Desktop webmail)
  • GMX (Desktop webmail)
  • WEB.DE (Desktop webmail)
  • Mozilla Thunderbird (Windows)
  • (Desktop webmail)
  • (Desktop webmail)

Features per email client

Gmail (Desktop webmail)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 6 (view) 0 9 (view) 0 15
Internationalization 8 (view) 0 18 (view) 0 26
Performance 0 2 (view) 3 (view) 0 5

Gmail (iOS)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 5 (view) 0 10 (view) 0 15
Internationalization 6 (view) 2 (view) 18 (view) 0 26
Performance 0 2 (view) 3 (view) 0 5

Gmail (Android)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 5 (view) 1 (view) 9 (view) 0 15
Internationalization 6 (view) 4 (view) 16 (view) 0 26
Performance 0 2 (view) 3 (view) 0 5

Gmail (Mobile webmail)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 5 (view) 0 10 (view) 0 15
Internationalization 5 (view) 2 (view) 19 (view) 0 26
Performance 0 2 (view) 3 (view) 0 5

Outlook (Windows)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 4 (view) 1 (view) 10 (view) 0 15
Internationalization 3 (view) 1 (view) 22 (view) 0 26
Performance 0 0 5 (view) 0 5

Outlook (Windows mail)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 1 (view) 0 14 (view) 0 15
Internationalization 3 (view) 1 (view) 22 (view) 0 26
Performance 1 (view) 0 4 (view) 0 5

Outlook (MacOS)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 9 (view) 3 (view) 3 (view) 0 15
Internationalization 11 (view) 0 15 (view) 0 26
Performance 3 (view) 0 2 (view) 0 5

Outlook (

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 8 (view) 3 (view) 4 (view) 0 15
Internationalization 11 (view) 0 15 (view) 0 26
Performance 3 (view) 0 2 (view) 0 5

Outlook (iOS)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 9 (view) 0 6 (view) 0 15
Internationalization 11 (view) 1 (view) 14 (view) 0 26
Performance 3 (view) 0 2 (view) 0 5

Outlook (Android)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 12 (view) 0 3 (view) 0 15
Internationalization 11 (view) 0 15 (view) 0 26
Performance 3 (view) 0 2 (view) 0 5

Yahoo! Mail (Desktop webmail)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 3 (view) 2 (view) 10 (view) 0 15
Internationalization 7 (view) 1 (view) 18 (view) 0 26
Performance 2 (view) 0 3 (view) 0 5

Yahoo! Mail (iOS)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 3 (view) 2 (view) 10 (view) 0 15
Internationalization 7 (view) 1 (view) 18 (view) 0 26
Performance 2 (view) 0 3 (view) 0 5

Yahoo! Mail (Android)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 3 (view) 2 (view) 10 (view) 0 15
Internationalization 6 (view) 1 (view) 19 (view) 0 26
Performance 2 (view) 0 3 (view) 0 5

Apple Mail (MacOS)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 13 (view) 0 2 (view) 0 15
Internationalization 23 (view) 2 (view) 1 (view) 0 26
Performance 5 (view) 0 0 0 5

Apple Mail (iOS)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 13 (view) 0 2 (view) 0 15
Internationalization 19 (view) 1 (view) 6 (view) 0 26
Performance 5 (view) 0 0 0 5

AOL (Desktop webmail)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 3 (view) 2 (view) 10 (view) 0 15
Internationalization 7 (view) 1 (view) 18 (view) 0 26
Performance 2 (view) 0 3 (view) 0 5


Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 1 (view) 1 (view) 12 (view) 1 (view) 15
Internationalization 8 (view) 0 18 (view) 0 26
Performance 2 (view) 0 3 (view) 0 5

AOL (Android)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 4 (view) 1 (view) 9 (view) 1 (view) 15
Internationalization 7 (view) 0 19 (view) 0 26
Performance 2 (view) 0 3 (view) 0 5

Mozilla Thunderbird (MacOS)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 7 (view) 0 7 (view) 1 (view) 15
Internationalization 14 (view) 0 0 12 (view) 26
Performance 4 (view) 0 1 (view) 0 5

Mozilla Thunderbird (Windows)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 0 0 0 15 (view) 15
Internationalization 0 0 0 26 (view) 26
Performance 1 (view) 0 0 4 (view) 5

Samsung Email (Android)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 14 (view) 0 1 (view) 0 15
Internationalization 20 (view) 1 (view) 5 (view) 0 26
Performance 5 (view) 0 0 0 5

SFR (Desktop webmail)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 15 (view) 0 0 0 15
Internationalization 15 (view) 0 0 11 (view) 26
Performance 5 (view) 0 0 0 5


Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 9 (view) 0 6 (view) 0 15
Internationalization 14 (view) 0 0 12 (view) 26
Performance 3 (view) 0 2 (view) 0 5

SFR (Android)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 9 (view) 0 6 (view) 0 15
Internationalization 12 (view) 0 1 (view) 13 (view) 26
Performance 4 (view) 0 1 (view) 0 5

Orange (Desktop webmail)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 5 (view) 0 8 (view) 2 (view) 15
Internationalization 2 (view) 1 (view) 9 (view) 14 (view) 26
Performance 3 (view) 0 2 (view) 0 5

Orange (iOS)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 4 (view) 0 9 (view) 2 (view) 15
Internationalization 4 (view) 1 (view) 7 (view) 14 (view) 26
Performance 2 (view) 0 3 (view) 0 5

Orange (Android)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 6 (view) 0 7 (view) 2 (view) 15
Internationalization 3 (view) 1 (view) 6 (view) 16 (view) 26
Performance 3 (view) 0 2 (view) 0 5

ProtonMail (Desktop webmail)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 7 (view) 0 6 (view) 2 (view) 15
Internationalization 12 (view) 0 0 14 (view) 26
Performance 2 (view) 0 3 (view) 0 5

ProtonMail (iOS)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 7 (view) 0 6 (view) 2 (view) 15
Internationalization 12 (view) 0 0 14 (view) 26
Performance 2 (view) 0 3 (view) 0 5

ProtonMail (Android)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 10 (view) 0 3 (view) 2 (view) 15
Internationalization 10 (view) 0 0 16 (view) 26
Performance 2 (view) 0 3 (view) 0 5

HEY (Desktop webmail)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 4 (view) 0 9 (view) 2 (view) 15
Internationalization 7 (view) 0 5 (view) 14 (view) 26
Performance 3 (view) 0 2 (view) 0 5 (Desktop webmail)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 6 (view) 1 (view) 8 (view) 0 15
Internationalization 21 (view) 0 5 (view) 0 26
Performance 1 (view) 0 4 (view) 0 5

Fastmail (Desktop webmail)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 9 (view) 0 4 (view) 2 (view) 15
Internationalization 11 (view) 0 1 (view) 14 (view) 26
Performance 1 (view) 0 4 (view) 0 5 (Desktop webmail)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 13 (view) 0 0 2 (view) 15
Internationalization 12 (view) 0 0 14 (view) 26
Performance 5 (view) 0 0 0 5 (Desktop webmail)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 0 0 1 (view) 14 (view) 15
Internationalization 0 0 0 26 (view) 26
Performance 0 0 0 5 (view) 5 (Desktop webmail)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 1 (view) 0 0 14 (view) 15
Internationalization 0 0 0 26 (view) 26
Performance 0 0 0 5 (view) 5

GMX (Desktop webmail)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 2 (view) 0 12 (view) 1 (view) 15
Internationalization 2 (view) 0 23 (view) 1 (view) 26
Performance 1 (view) 0 4 (view) 0 5


Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 13 (view) 0 0 2 (view) 15
Internationalization 22 (view) 0 0 4 (view) 26
Performance 4 (view) 0 1 (view) 0 5

GMX (Android)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 4 (view) 0 9 (view) 2 (view) 15
Internationalization 17 (view) 0 5 (view) 4 (view) 26
Performance 2 (view) 0 3 (view) 0 5

WEB.DE (Desktop webmail)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 2 (view) 0 12 (view) 1 (view) 15
Internationalization 2 (view) 0 23 (view) 1 (view) 26
Performance 1 (view) 0 4 (view) 0 5


Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 13 (view) 0 0 2 (view) 15
Internationalization 22 (view) 0 0 4 (view) 26
Performance 4 (view) 0 1 (view) 0 5

WEB.DE (Android)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 4 (view) 0 9 (view) 2 (view) 15
Internationalization 17 (view) 0 5 (view) 4 (view) 26
Performance 2 (view) 0 3 (view) 0 5

1&1 (Desktop webmail)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 10 (view) 0 3 (view) 2 (view) 15
Internationalization 17 (view) 0 5 (view) 4 (view) 26
Performance 2 (view) 0 3 (view) 0 5

1&1 (Android)

Category Supported Partial Unsupported Untested Total
Accessibility 4 (view) 0 9 (view) 2 (view) 15
Internationalization 17 (view) 0 5 (view) 4 (view) 26
Performance 2 (view) 0 3 (view) 0 5